Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mike & Mary

Mike and I would like to send all our love to mom and dad (Mike and Mary) for working sooooo soooo hard to give everyone a happy Christmas.  Everyone knows that it can be a very stressful time during the holidays,  and this year many family members were coming and going from their house before and after Christmas day.  With Shaine being sick it also made it difficult for us to stay in one place, but grandma Mary held strong and dealt with all the ins and outs of this crazy and offbeat Christmas.  Although Mike and I had to rush through our dinner to take care of a naked Johnny, and a very sick Shaine the meal was delicious.  We love our beautiful gifts, and we love you more than the world for busting your buns to make every Christmas fun and memorable. 
    And Mike...we also want to "remember all the people beneath us".

   For those of you reading this the following quote is not meant to offend anyone, it's just an inside joke between family and friends.  We are all equal in the eyes of God.

This is a great picture of mom and the smiles!!

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